
Custom keynotes that inspire and deliver results.

Denise is a motivational and high-energy speaker who delivers a custom experience for every audience whether from your stage or through a virtual keynote to your screen.

Denise meets with clients ahead of time to ensure your organization key messages and outcomes are integrated into the keynote therefore she delivers to a wide range of industries and sizes.

Topics include:

  • It can be difficult to have conversations around EDI for the fear of “offending someone”. This keynote will provide practical tips to have effective communications.

    Key Takeaways:

    Awareness of what is effective communications.

    Tangible tips on how to have effective communications.

    Learn key phrases to not offend people.

  • What are the impacts to employees, leaders and the overall health of an organization if we do not address this.

    Key Takeaways:

    Learn basic terminology of what Equity, Diversity and Inclusion means.

    Actions items that as an individual and leader you can do to ensure an inclusive workplace.

  • Self awareness is key in leading change in your personal and work life. This is difficult so we will provide practical tips on how do integrate into your everyday life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Identify why self awareness is crucial to development of you as an individual and leader.

    Identify areas in your life where you want to be extraordinary.

    Practical tips of what can be done today on your journey to changing!


Denise Young connects with audiences whether in person or virtually to ensure everyone feels included in the event through her positive and high energy.

She ensures the event schedule is kept to time, flows naturally, well researched and introduces speakers in an engaging and professional manner. 

When “behind the scenes” mishaps happen, she has the ability to handle in a way where guests and other presenters feel at ease and she uses humor or the appropriate method to deal with obvious challenges. 

Denise has emceed large corporate events, media events, fundraisers and conferences.

Let’s work together